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Chinese Cultural Festival

On Sunday, January 21, from 11 a.m. to 4 pm, the Committee of Cultural Festivals of Greece νας 中国 文化 节 委员会, organized a festival, which was attended by the entire Chinese community of China Town of Athens, about three hundred people.

A delegation of the Shaolin Temple Cultural Center of Greece 少林寺 少林寺, Master Xi Xiang γκ γκ 向 法师, a 34th generation Shaolin monk with a group of students, was invited to attend the Cultural Festival to promote Shaolin culture which is an important part of Chinese culture.

Attendees attended various areas of Chinese culture such as the Tea Ceremony, Chinese Calligraphy by seventy-year-old calligraphy teacher Jien Yuan Quan, Chinese Painting, Chinese History, Literature, Chinese Literature历史, Chinese traditional musical instruments φυσικά 传统 乐器 and of course Shaolin culture 文化 文化.

Master Xi Yang Xiang , went through all the places with the various exhibits of Chinese culture, congratulating everyone responsible for the perfectly organized preparation.

It was a very beautiful event with many young and adult happy faces. In the end, Master Xi Yang Xiang thanked the Festival organizers for the invitation, making an appointment for the next Festival, which will take place next month, in view of Chinese New Year.

CCTV and the China Greece Times covered the event. Amitoufo!

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